Monday, March 17, 2014

Ideas on Creating DIY Bridal Shower Invitations and Styles

Most brides plan to save their wedding cost for several reasons. Some do that for simplicity reason and some others do that for economical issues. Any reason you have is not a matter as long as you have ideas and little creativity to personalize your wedding details. One of wedding aspects that give you chance to cut down the cost is wedding invitations, including your bridal shower invitation. This idea will help you save a big amount of your money with Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations.

Brief Steps for DIY Bridal Shower Invitation

With your own ideas and creativity, you create Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations just as simple or intricate as you like. To do this project, you do not need to break the bank. Just prepare your wedding invitation papers in color that matches your wedding style and theme. Finalize your invitation with embellishments like decorative papers and ribbon. Here are the brief steps for creating DIY bridal shower invitation:
  1. Choose a matching theme with your bridal shower party.
  2. Choose a country club or a local teashop to be location of your bridal shower and make a reservation.
  3. Choose invitation paper that you will use for your Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations based on the color of your bridal shower theme.
  4. Select matching envelopes with your bridal shower invitations.
  5. Design your Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations using your image design program.
  6. Support the tone of your event with decorative border or picture.
  7. Make a printing test of your Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations before printing final copies.  
  8. Print your invitation after making necessary adjustment for spacing, design and alignment.
Styles of Bridal Shower Invitation

Creating Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations allows you to customize your bridal shower invitation to meet your personal styles and preferences. Reflect your personality and tastes with one of the styles of bridal shower invitation. The bridal shower invitation include handmade bridal shower invitation, virtual bridal shower invitation, themed bridal shower invitation, candy bar bridal shower invitation and many more.

In conclusion, creating Do-It-Yourself bridal shower invitations is not so difficult if you know what you want, what you need and how to do. You can look for ideas in bridal magazines or online if you do not have your own. If you do not want to do that yourself, you can ask your wedding designer to do it for you. Just make your bridal shower memorable with your unique invitation. 

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