Monday, April 14, 2014

Beach Wedding Invitations Wording Examples

Currently there are many ways done in order to the wedding to be memorable. Among them is by holding a wedding at the beach, with waves and warmth of sand. If you choose this theme, then everything should be tailored to the theme. You can start from wedding invitations, wedding dresses, until the party decorations to choose. In order for your invitation to become more attractive, you must not only pay attention to the look, but you also must use the good wording of beach wedding invitations. Here you can get the examples.

You can choose Beach Wedding invitations Wording Examples with formal style, semi formal and casual style. You better know anyone who is invited, so it is easier to determine the exact wording. Wording beach wedding invitations examples usually contain words such as beaches, sea, shore, coast, waves, wind, and so on. All these things will create romantic impression for your guests.

Among the crashing waves on the beach
Here we found eternal love to reach
We will exchange vows above the sand
Hopefully you can attend
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hopkins
Request the honor of you presence
At the marriage of their daughter
Michelle Hopkins
Harvey Adams
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Adams
At The Kahala Resort
5000 Kahala Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii
On Saturday 17 December 2011 at 4 pm

Any wedding invitation consist the information about what kind of event is it, who will get married, when, and where the wedding will be held. About the sequence of the writing of those things, you can choose that you like most. The most important thing to put on your beach wedding invitation is the wording by using the words connected with beach. Here is another example:

The waves may bring sand to the sea,
But not our love
Because it is already engraved in our hearts
Come join us and witness
The union of our eternal love

To get a lot of inspiration, you can read poetry books or some sites contain poetries, especially about the beach and sea. Or you can make them by yourself, by feeling the beauty of beach. You’ll find yourself become a poet in seconds.

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